Contact Us

Navigating through deep waters? Need some surface interval chit-chat? We’re here, waiting to bubble up answers for you.

Please use our 'General Inquiry' form or channel your questions to the appropriate department below. Let's make waves together!

General Inquiries

Lost in the vast digital ocean or just fancy some friendly surface talk? Whether it's about our seahorse mascot or the new sunken ship feature, drop your anchor here for all general musings and feedback

App Support

Experiencing a certification hiccup or need a follow-up? Discovering sneaky bugs in the app or need clarification  about a feature? Consider this your rescue kit for all app-related queries.

Dive Shops Resorts,
& Liveaboards

Businesses, ready to dive deeper with us? Whether you're keen on signing up on the app, or need assistance with onboarding managers and team members we’ve got the compass to guide you and your crew right!


Brands, businesses, nonprofits – assemble! If you're keen to collaborate with Buddy and explore partnerships that are deeper than the Mariana Trench (think joint ventures, co-branding, and eco-initiatives), let's talk!

Additional Resources